Awarded to

The Silver Boomerang

Tests 1-7 are mandatory

Test 1 - Health and First Aid
(Responsibility for self)
Personal Health
Explain how to keep your feet in good condition and why.
Discuss why sleep is important.
Discuss the importance of a balanced diet.
Prepare a healthy lunch for an outing.
Basic First Aid
Check and replenish or put together a simple first aid kit and take it on bushwalks and outings with you.
Show how to treat a bleeding nose.
Show how to treat stings and insect bites common to your region.
Show an understanding of how germs and head lice can pass to people by contact, and how to prevent this.
Adult Help
Explain why you need adult help in case of accidents.
Pass a message, including an address, from one adult to another.
Explain how to use a mobile phone and a public phone and discuss the steps you would take to make an emergency call.

Test 2 - Safety (Responsibility for self)
Buddy System
Define the buddy system and explain its benefits.
Discuss the causes of accidents around the home and garden, including in sheds and around swimming pools.
Discuss the safety aspects of travelling in cars, buses and trains.
Demonstrate an understanding of the dangers of swimming in:
  • swimming pools
  • rivers and lakes
  • sea
  • dams
Identify safe areas for swimming.
Explain what to do to make sure you don't get lost in the bush and what to do if something goes wrong.
Demonstrate three ways of making distress signals.
Discuss the ways that fire can start in the home and in the bush.
Show what to do if you are in a fire at home.
Discuss what to do if you do not feel safe somewhere.

Test 3 - Ropes (Outdoor Scouting)
Tying knots
Tie a sheet bend.
Tie a reef knot.
Use of knots
Discuss how and when to use these knots.
Care of ropes
Name the parts of a rope.
* More info on ropes can be found on our ropes page.

Test 4 - Outdoor Scouting (Outdoor Scouting)
Compass and Navigation
Demonstrate an understanding of how many degrees there are in a compass and the eight principal points.
Use a compass to follow a trail, which includes at least six compass points.
Maps and Hiking
Use a road map to work out the distances between two towns named by a Leader.
Demonstrate five trail signs.
Fire Lighting
Discuss ways that fires can start in the home and the bush.
Outdoor Cooking
On a fire you prepare and light, cook a meal such as sausages or food in a foil pouch.

Test 5 - Our Cub Scout Traditions (Scouting Aims and Principles)
The Jungle Books
Tell one of the stories in The Jungle Books that does not have Mowgli in it.
Explain the significance of Baloo and Bagheera in Mowgli's life.
Scouting History
Find out when Scouting started in your local Group
Find out and explain the meaning of your scarf and District/Region badge.

Test 6 - Symbols of Australia (Growing Awareness of Local Community)
Describe the flag of your State or Territory and show an understanding of the components of it.
Describe the emblem of your State or Territory and show an understanding of what it means.
Flora and Fauna
Name and describe the flora and fauna emblems of your State or Territory.

Test 7 - Promise and Law (Values of Scouting)
Duty to Your God
Find out three things about your beliefs and explain them to your Leader
Promise and Law
Talk to your Leader about how you have tried to put your Promise and Law into practice in everything you have done.
Do a good turn for your Cub Pack or Scout Group and tell your Leader about it.
Silver Boomerang Silver Boomerang
Choose any 3 from Tests 8-14     (when added to Tests 1-7, you'll have finished 10 tests to complete your Boomerang)

Test 8 - Fitness (Pursuits and Interests & Responsibility for Self)
Ball Skills
Throw a ball a distance of 10 metres to someone else and catch it on return five times.
Hit a ball with either a bat or racquet five times.
Athletic Skills
Perform a standing broad jump as far as you can.
Strength and Stamina
Skip 20 times forwards and 10 times backwards

Test 9 - People and Cultures (Growing Awareness of Wider World)
Indigenous Australians
Explain some of the customs, traditions and crafts of the traditional owners of your area.
International Cultures
Learn to say "Hello", "Goodbye", "Please" and "Thank You" in a language other than your own, preferably from a native speaker of the language.
Take part in a Pack Council
Take part in an activity with another Pack or one organised by District, Region or Branch.

Test 10 - Scientific Discovery (The World Around us)
        Cub Scouts will be required to do any two of the following
Observe how an animal, bird, reptile or insect develops and behaves.
Report on your findings.
Perform an experiment that shows the difference between gas, liquid and solid states.
Explain how volcanoes erupt and earthquakes occur.
Show an experiment that illustrates one of these.
Show you understand the weather forecast.
Show how rain is formed.
Estimate the following:
  • the distance from your Scout Hall door to the road
  • the distance from one end of the Hall to the other
  • the height of a flagpole or tree.
Check how accurately you have estimated by measuring these.

Test 11 - The Natural Environment (The World Around us)
Explain how you can recycle household waste.
Make a system for recycling organic waste from your house, e.g. a worm farm, compost heap.
Help to clean up litter in your local area.
Discuss some of the effects of pollution on our rivers, lakes and seas.
Show how you and your family can help to reduce water pollution.
Habitat Destruction
On a bush walk find examples of five things that have damaged the environment, e.g. litter and pollution, salinity, erosion and man-made damage.

Test 12 - Self Expression (Creativity)
        Cub Scouts will be required to do any two of the following
Performing Arts
Organise and perform in a mime, skit or play with other members of your Pack.
Visual Arts
Create a painting, drawing or three dimensional piece and have it ready to display.
Creative Writing
Write a poem or a short story, which may be fictional, or a report of an event.
Play two pieces on a musical instrument or sing two songs for the Pack.

Test 13 - Handcraft (Creativity)
Make something using a craft method which is new to you.
Show the tools you used and explain how to care for them.

Test 14 - Your Community (Growing Awareness of Local Community)
Demonstrate that you know how to do cleaning around the home such as vacuuming, sweeping, washing up and cleaning the bathroom.
Do some minor repairs to clothes and around the house.
Local Community
Find out how your town or suburb name originated.
Where is the nearest:
  • Police Station?
  • Ambulance Station?
  • Hospital?
Local Organisations
Name three essential service organisations that provide for your community and explain what they do.


  This Boomerang can also be found on pages 31-45 of your yellow Australian Cub Scout Record Book. (Thank you to Rosanna Cub Scouts - for making this page available to us. )